Author: Eric Kohlmann

Moses Montefiore - Jewish Liberator. Imperial Hero.

Review: Moses Montefiore by Abigail Green

Posted by on Oct 13, 2015 in Books
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This book was not a serendipitous purchase. I have always liked biographies for several reasons. Many argue that life still produces the most interesting stories – often more empathetically engaging and visceral than anything an author could dream up. What makes them my favourite literary genre, however, is something else. Well-written biographies capture not only … Read More →


Remuneration Policies and Incentives in Banking After the Crisis

Posted by on Oct 12, 2015 in Business and Finance
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Leading Up to New Regulation Leading up to the 2008 financial crisis lay a period of unprecedented growth for the industry. This was accompanied by an inflation in bankers’ remuneration packages, which started to move into the spotlight amid the crisis that caused hundreds of thousands to loose their jobs across the world economy but … Read More →

(c) National Army Museum; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

Europe’s Place in the World

Posted by on Dec 21, 2013 in Politics
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Europe is a pretty small continent – the second smallest to be exact – and home to 11% of the world’s population. Most of all, it is also a pretty bloody place. As you go through the history books, the sheer amount of war, death and injustice this continent has seen is simply unimaginable. In … Read More →